Industrial Robotic Metrology Systems

September 1, 2020
Industrial Robotic Metrology Systems

EDM Intelligent Solutions combines industrial-grade robotic automation with advanced 3D scanning sensors and manufacturing intelligence to create robotic sensor head (RSH) inspection systems for use in numerous industrial metrology applications including dimensional measurement, surface finish inspection on complex geometry and pass/fail inspection.

Monitor the Quality of Your Production

Utilizing a FANUC 6-axis industrial robot, along with advanced high-resolution 3D scanning sensors, the RSH-M10 robotic metrology system from EDM Intelligent Solutions is well suited to effectively monitor the quality of your production throughout the entire manufacturing process.


  • Intuitive user interface with administrator, engineer, and operator modules
  • Ability to set up a measurement once and run many times in a production environment
  • Adaptable to measure parts of varying size; small to large
  • Automatically measures specified dimensions and generates a pass/fail report
  • In-process measurement capability

To learn more about our Industrial Robotic Metrology Systems services, visit our Robotic Metrology Systems page or contact us today.


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